Take Your Child Outside

Take Your Child Out To Play!!
Woke up to my 3 year old begging to go to the park, and wanting to know if she could wear her new flip flops. I think it is very important to keep your children active. I believe being outside and learning from natures elements and their own surroundings are so much better than staying inside and watching tv. While we have a lifetime to develop certain aspects of ourselves, the childhood period is most important. Playtime can help a child engage in learning. Children feel the need to pretend and make social connections utilizing play. Outside playing is where children can master emerging physical skills. Such as running, jumping, leaping, and much more. There is also the skills of pushing a swing, pulling, carrying, and playing make believe. Outdoors is where children burn the most calories. Playing helps children learn to express themselves, learn about the world in their way. I believe maybe they’re playing to have fun. They are learning. So here we go.. Off to the park.


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